When you have a preschooler you never know what is going to come out of their mouth. You may get asked "Momma, why do trees have leaves?" or "Hey, why do bugs like to bite me when I play outside?" or my favorite one is "Mommy, why do we have to wear clothes?" I always seem to be asked these questions when I cannot stop and find the real answer for her on the computer, we are usually in the car, at the store, or playing outside. Sometimes the questions are so crazy I don't think even Google would know the answer.
Today's inquisitive question went like this "Mommy, why are my eyes blue and Makayla's brown?" So I proceeded to say "Grace thats just how they are" She looked up, I could see her in the rear view mirror and she said "No mommy, how did hers get brown and mine get blue?" Trying again I said "Grace it is how God made them, and it is how genetics works." She then asked "Mommy whats genafics(genetics)?" I said "Its what makes different people have different color hair and eyes." Looking at me with this astonished look on her face, she said "oh, ok mommy." Like that was all she needed, that was it. I was so shocked I was trying to figure out how to explain the complexities of genetics to a preschooler and that is all she needed? I was amazed.
Sometimes I think it would be great if we could just go with the easy explanation. Why do we always have to make everything much more complex that it really is? But you know sometimes things are that easily explained and we take it and twist it and make it much more complex than it really is. Take Math for example, you can take the simplest problem 1+1=2 and you can add letters, and such and make it much more complex. But in the end it really was a simple problem. I think sometimes we that with our own lives. We take a problem we are having and we twist it and turn it and mesh it into other situations until it is so big and so complex that we cannot work our way back out of it again. If we all just looked at everything in a simple way, the way young children do maybe this world would be a much better place. Twisting and turning problems in your life does not get you anywhere, it just makes you more stressed and more confused. I also use this example with the bible. I take the bible and read it, I believe what it says. I do not try to mold my beliefs or my bible around my life, I try to mold my life around the bible and my beliefs. Sometimes that is hard to do, because we have our own agendas and our own wants and desires but if I stop trying to make every passage I read in the bible more complex than it and stop trying to mold it to fit my life, instead mold my life to fit God's will, I think I will be a better person in the end.
If everyone just kept everything simple and less complex what kind of world would we live in? I think complexities make this world a stressful place to be in. Trust me if we all could live by the simple answers like those that a preschooler accepts than I think we would be doing pretty good.
P.S. Thank you Grace for teaching me a lesson today.
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